Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The first german interns Kathrin & Linda

Friday, 19th March 2010

Hey Mates!

We, Linda and Kathrin, are two German girls staying for 6 months in Australia. In detail we will stay in Cunnamulla, a real outback town on southern Queensland.

Here we are team members of Out the Back Australia, a tour operator offering tours to experience the real Rural Australia.

This blog will be about all the fantastic things you can do, see and make in and around Cunnamulla.
One adventure we already experienced with Leesa, a Out the Back Australia tour guide, was shearing a sheep!
Although you may come from the country, visiting a sheep shear station in Australia is something completely different.
Our first impression of the sheep farm was being a Cowboy (or girl!) out of the early 50’s.
The station and it’s surrounding are very charming and really old-fashioned. You will see, next to probably hundreds of sheep, men wearing good old Cowboyboots and -hats, like you know them from the famous John Wayne movies. Everything is coloured in warm brown, orange and red tones – That it is, what let German hearts beating higher.

After you had a look around you get explained, how the whole station works.

The final of the tour is that you can have a try to shear a sheep! We both were very excited about that – and actually it was! – Feeling that vibrating sheep at your fetters and the not less vibrating shearing machine in your hand..
For Linda it was a quite great experience, while I felt sorry for the sheep the whole time. Nevertheless it was an adventure for all of us:
The sheep shearer (teaching us how to shear a sheep),

the two of us (trying it),

the herder (watching us while doing it)

and at least – for sure – also for the sheep, being sheared that soft!

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