Good Morning everyone.
Once again, the weekend was passing by faster than you could imagine and it's Monday again. I don't know why the time on weekends always seems to run faster than during workdays. But I think that's normal and if you like your job like we do here at Out The Back Australia, it's no problem to start another working week.
I told you about the birthday party we arranged for Les on Saturday. He was really happy and his family, too. They spent a wonderful evening here in Cunnamulla and enjoyed a delicious dinner which was almost completely cooked by our German intern Larissa. It was perfect although she never cooked something like this on her own before. Therefore everybody made her compliments for the lovely dinner. Her damper was perfectly done in a camp oven under a thick layer of coals. Normally Les is doing the damper and he was it who showed Larissa how to bake one. It made him proud to see that Larissa has baken such a wonderful damper.
On Sunday our German interns had the possibility to visit another farm. Of course they were both pleased to do that and so they spent the day out of Cunnamulla, seeing sheep and cattle and a lovely property. They had fun racing over the farm with a little car and climbing around a few caves.
It's really good, that they get the possibility to see a lot of the area. They will never forget their stay in Cunnamulla, will recommend it and maybe they will come back one day. Right now they're having another 2,5 months left, a fact to be happy about. Although sometimes homesickness is a well-known feeling, but it's normal to feel like that when you're far away from home. And it's always just a temporary thing, Cunnamulla and its inhabitants are way too nice to be homesick for a longer time.
Are you homesick sometimes? Or even somewhere in the world and homesick for Cunnamulla? We could totally understand that!
Have a nice day!
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