Wednesday, 8 September 2010

3 new shops

3 new shops are opening in Cunnamulla

A lot of people were visit the shoppingstreet from Cunnamulla on this Sunday. Reason was the opening from three new stores in the city. Therfore Linda an I (the new german) got up early in the morning, at ten  o´clock! On Sunday..... :) very hard.

Arrived in the shoppingstreet, I was eating my first australian sausage, it tasted ok, but I think I will miss the german special sausages!

Now to the stores, the new stores include a hairdressstore, which help the denizen and particular the girls of Cunnamulla, because it is the only hairdressstore in this city.

Furthermore there is a store with traditional products from Australia. I hope to learn how to play didgeridoo, if not.... I must buy me a cowboy-hat :).
Finally a new store for ladies fashion with beautiful clothes is opening.

The offer in Cunnamulla will get larger in the future.
That is a great oppotunity for everybody to visit this incredible city and have their very own adventure.
So come and visit Cunnamulla!

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