Thursday, 2 September 2010

Opal action in Yowah!

Our Saturday started with awesome breakfast cooked by Natalie, a team member of Out the Back Australia. Typical Australian food, with eggs and bacon, toast and sausages.

After all of us were starched we went by bus to Yowah. This way took a little while, so the majority of our group decided to make an early nananap.

Exceptions were our bus driver Leesa of course and Sid, who demonstrated this day how energetic he can be.

As we arrived Scotty welcomed us hearty and offered us beautiful healthy lunch. Unfortunately nobody of us was hungry already, so we decided spontaneously to delay our meal a bit. Instead we travelled to the bluff and watched some “Alien stones”. The shapes of these stones stacks are just unbelievable. One of them, in my opinion, couldn’t even stand that way, it does. Maybe I should have been more attentive in my math and physic lessons at school.

From the bluffs we enjoyed the most beautiful scenery you can imagine! Mulga trees and switch grass like in Africa, only hippos and rhinos are missing (okay and lions, leopards, giraffe…). A sheer endless wide in front of us, adorned by ochre and dark green spots, and – who’d a thunk it? – hills! Maybe I could be tempted to say mountains.. But what can I tell, I am spoilt by the alps.

To be sure we had to climb the small path down the bluff and found different ways up again. Some of us took the easier one, while some of simple hadn’t had a look for the next opportunity and took that dangerous fluttery way direct in front of them. And earned laugh from that ones who stood on top.

Now we made our way to the opal mines. All of us, especially Kai, were looking forward to this part of the trip: Having our own look for opals!

Alyssa, Adam and Sid slowly got into the hang of it, while Kai got it started instantly. Linda, Peter and I needed some more time, to suss how to see the little shiny colored stones on the ground.

We even were allowed to grab some nuts and Scotty cut them for us in the backyard of the opal shop. We spent some time there and everyone was excited, if somebody or even himself has a opal hidden in his or her stone nut. It was really like Kinder Surprise!

Noticeable was the difference in size and number of the nuts our group member have taken. As some of us just took three middle sized ones, other ones didn’t care about “small things” ;) .

Of course we were excited about every stone, even it was not your own one. Pure team feeling and no jealousy! (Well, we got a little bag with some more opals as a present before we left).

Even no envious looks when we had healthy lunch together. After our landscape viewing, climbing and opal experiences we ate our lunch at Scotty’s shop and headed straight back to Eulo. And there our reps got very dirty…

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