Wednesday, 1 September 2010

On tour with Johannes

On Friday, 16th of April, Johannes – a 25aged German- arrived at Charleville. He won the trip in an online contest and was curious in the real Australian outback.

Leesa, Linda and I picked him up and welcomed him hearty. We gave him a short insight what he has to expect the following days as the 6 Day Get Down and Dusty Tour was waiting for him!

We had a snack at the bakery and then made our way to Cunnamulla with good music and a lot of entertainment. Johannes (Australian way = John) was really excited about seeing his first kangaroos. Unfortunately all that ones he saw were laying at the roadside and hadn’t moved anymore. A big sorry for that!

After we got back to beautiful Cunnamulla John moved into his motel room and we got changed quickly ‘cause we had an appointment at half past five at the bowls court. John learned really quickly how to play bowl! Bad for Linda and me .. We lost against Leesa and John – but pretty sure that was beginner’s luck!

We had a few beer while playing bowl and our dinner at the club house was simple delicious. So it was an easy decision whether we should go to the pub or not!

A few minutes later we found ourselves in a good humoured crowd at the pub, dancing, chatting and playing pool. Almost everybody seemed to be outgoing that evening and so we had a really great time with a lot of fun and funny pictures!


The next day started at nine at the gallery where we had a delicate breakfast and where up to a town tour. We discovered a lot of interesting places around Cunnamulla and were deeply impressed, especially by the wonderful landscape. You could feel like you would have been in Africa, only the elephants and rhinos were missing.

In favour we saw emus, running beside our tour bus and healthy looking sheep, seemed to be chilling on the road. The colours of ground, the skies and water around are absolutely breathtaking! So deep contrasts of brown, blue and green – every painter would find his inspiration in such an impressive landscape.
For lunch we got back to the lovely scenery of Cunnamulla.

Afterwards we were heading straight through the golf course.

That day was a golfing fun day and a lot of people out of the town where there as well, also a few known faces from the pub the evening before.

At all there were 15 holes and at least two teams of three people each starting at one hole. I think our one was the only team with 4 members. But we are excused! Anyone of us had played golf before and our first tries, without any practical or either theoretical knowledge, might have looked quite helpless.

We wouldn’t be real Germans if we would have given up after such a bad beginning. So we gave our best as we always do and improved across the day! To be honest we got some help from (so called) Monk, who has been playing golf for more than one decade. What a luck! Maybe that is also the right moment to thank Ruby (a female golf pro!) and Collin (our first fan!) for their support and patience.

John was doing pretty well and Linda was really good, too. We keep silent about my golf skills at this point. I think we were amusing for everyone around us, especially the other teams. We also had a lot of fun with the golf buggy. I don’t want to tell you in detail how I felt out of that speedy limousine two times, but you can bet it was greatly fun for all who saw it.

Furthermore I have to tell you, that they have Pick-Ups, driving around and sell some beverages.(I don’t have to mention, that the most sold thing was beer?)

So we spent our whole afternoon with friendly fantastic people and learned as much as we could about golf. It was awesome.

The sunset we had seen that evening was not less amazing as the whole day was. This time it was a purple orange one! You can’t imagine how many different colours a sunset in the outback can take! That’s something you have to see.

We rounded out the day with a campfire dinner at the gallery. I know I probably repeat myself, but the food was absolutely dainty.

While sitting around the fire and enjoying our dinner we were discussing where to go that night. We decided to have a look at the party at the golf club house. We were invited by Monk and were promised a big party with good live music.

Unfortunately we were a little bit tired and didn’t stay long, because we already had known that the next day would become exhausting.

On Sunday a kayaking trip was planned and all of us were in good spirits. Leesa took us to the river blank next to the bridge. We set up the kayaks and made groups of two people per kayak, Linda and Johannes in one and Leesa and I in the other one.

I think we looked pretty sportive and professional in our shorts and lifejackets!

Now our adventure could begin!

The first meters were only for synchronizing and getting wet with every stroke. But then we knew how the wind blows!

And that is not only meant as a phrase, ‘cause we had headwinds and I was looking forward to have tailwind when we would come back, but that hope was for nothing.

We were really happy as we were complimented by Leesa for our paddling arts! Linda and Johannes got to know the whole river with every single tree and bush in it. Funny for Leesa and me!

Our lunch break we made on a silent place on the bank of the river. Sheep steak again, grilled on open fire and bread. Yummy, but it was too much again.

Johannes and I have had the great idea to jump into the water from the kayak. Said, done! Good picture and good fun!

The second thought was to jump into the water from the tree growing across the river. Unfortunately the water wasn’t deep enough to jump into. We didn’t want to take a risk. After we were sitting in the kayak again, we saw a little snake making her way through the water straight through our second kayak. Probably she was a toxic one, but all of us, including the snake, stood calm and nobody got hurt while sunbathing.

In the meanwhile it was midday and we had to go back to Cunnamulla, because our day hit more surprises for us!

After taking a shower and got changed we headed towards Charlotte Plains.

That is a farm in the surrounding of Cunnamulla, approximately 90ks of distance. The farm owners are Robyn and Reed Russell. Everyone who has read our blog constantly shall already know them ;)

This time we didn’t stay in swags and tents under the stars at the artesian bore, but slept in the rooms of the sheep shearers. Pretty nice! Lovely double rooms with common bathroom and kitchen. We enjoyed our dinner at Robyn’s house with some other guests and had a good talk about historical and political topics concerning Australia.

Okay, caught me red-handed. The other ones had interesting talks, while we tried to follow, but honestly they lost us quite early.

The night was restorative and calm. Awesome night sky like every night. No words for that.


Our breakfast included toast, egg, sausages and steak grilled on open fire. We also had the chance to get some yoghurt and cereals.

Restored we made a walkabout through the shearing station, that was already built in the 19th century. Impressive!

Robyn told us a lot about the history of that building and her property, which has been in ownership of her family since she can remember!

In connection with that we visited more interesting, historical significant places on her property.

And then, the next highlight should follow!

No elephants,

No rhinos,


Oh my god! Camels in Australia!

How cool is that?!

We were so lucky as one of them was brave enough to come up to us.

The whole time, that means also the driving time!, we felt free like the wind, because we were allowed to stand on the loading area of Robyn’s Pick-Up.

So we had a lot of space to move and to take pictures of the fleecy friendly camels (and us). That brave one was really cute. He looked at us with that innocent “I don’t know what you want” look, which also cows have when the look at you while they eat their grass again and again. I really like them!

You should have a look at our pictures to get a real impression of how good camels can model!

After that great experience we drove to the artesian bore again. The hot water spring we had a bath in the day before.

And, the biggest thing: During our drive, kangaroos were jumping beside the car and along the road like you know it from all the Australian movies! Awesome! Absolutely awesome!

At the bore we met the tourists from the evening before and also Reed, chatting and relaxing in one of their folding camp chairs. We joined and also got a tea of coffee and some biscuits. Thanks!

To prepare for our return to Cunnamulla we had to pack our clothes from our accommodation. John and I decided to walk as far as we would come. We were very surprised as a Pick-Up passed us and Linda was driving! Her first driver lesson ever and that in Australia, off road with a big Pick-Up! Congrats! ;)

We walked further on and Robyn appeared with her car to pick us up.

Lunch consisted of tasty sandwiches this time. We were happy about that, ‘cause we were still full from breakfast.

Then we drove back to Cunnamulla, where we were already expected by Leesa, to take us out for a river cruise towards the sunset.

The river is quite impressive at daytimes, but I think it is more and more at nighttimes!

When the sun goes down and all that different colours are reflecting in the dark water and new shapes were drawn by the branches of the black shadowed blank trees.

A romantic scenery, good snacks on board and smiling people around is all what you need to round out that fantastic day.

Maybe not all as one big piece is missing in that puzzle. Dinner!

We had dinner at the river with elegant candle lights and self-cooked mixed food!
This time the topics were easier to follow.


And then Tuesday came and we made a trip to Eulo to discover the opal fields. On our way out we made a stop at the mud springs. Cool hill of warm slimy mud. Good for you skin!

In Eulo we met Scotty, a local who is very active in the community. He showed us the surrounding and the opal mines! Also he showed us how to find opals, how to wash and clean them and how to process with them. We were very taken with the opal jewellery, but that’s not a surprise, we are girls. BUT John liked them also!

Finally we all got a little nice opal as a present from Scotty! Thank you so much!

As we were back in Cunnamulla which was in the late afternoon, we took a shower and prepared for the evening. We had a fantastic dinner at the Cunnamulla Hotel and afterwards we were heading to a pub crawl.

We had a few bets with some locals we know at the Warrego Motel and some games pool til the pub was up to close. Ooooohhhh…!

It was not that kind of night as it was on Friday before, but nevertheless a successful one and Johannes’ last evening with us.


On Wednesday we started the day at the gallery with yummy pancake. Then we made a Cunnamulla town tour by feet! Johannes was interested in the history and all what Leesa knew to tell about this little town. He also was glad to see a post office, to buy some stamps and send postcards.

Now we went sand boarding. A cool sportive activity and something different to our green grassed hills in Germany. John is an exalted snowboarder so it was no problem for him to use the sand boards.

As much fun as he had he was happy to take a shower afterwards, ‘cause like we already told you in our first sand boarding report on our website: it is really sandy!

Unfortunately our time with Johannes ended at Wednesday afternoon as the bus left Cunnamulla.

It was a really great experience we will never forget. Hopefully he enjoyed it as much as we did and will come back one day to visit us, Cunnamulla or to open his self-employed IT Service!

Thank you and

SeeYa soon!

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